Be More Cow (2023)

It might be a bit late to discuss resolutions - and who ever manages to keep them anyway? - but this is one I've aspired to for the last couple of years.

In 2023, I’m going to, once again, try to be more cow.

Might sound silly (a little? 😉) but cows are super role models.

They are great at doing one. thing. at. a. time.

When they eat they are all about eating.

When they ruminate, that’s all they do.

They are what they are, they do what they do, and it doesn’t even occur to them that they should be more: more efficient, more kind, more successful etc.

They eat.

They drink.

They ruminate.

They hang out with their friends & family.

They sleep.


And, given the option they choose the food that is most nourishing to them.

I remember not too long after I moved to the farm, listening to a podcast as I was setting up electric fence. Think it was Farming Today.

A farmer was on talking about how he fed his cows cake - literal, cake! - that was waste from the human food chain, and that the cows loved it.

I felt a little bit sick.

I know some farmers do it, and it probably makes economic sense, and I bet the cows do love it. But it can’t be good for them in the long term. It’s not what they evolved to eat.

As I was listening my brain quickly moved to, but I love eating cake too! And it’s (probably?) not good for me, and it’s not what I evolved to eat.

😣🤦🏻‍♀️ Doh!

I felt hypocritical putting so much effort into making sure the cows had the best forage available, but stuffing myself full of crap.

So I endeavored to take more care of what I put into my body.

This was my first attempt to be more cow.

For me, I seem to do better when I avoid sugar and eat mostly protein and veg, i.e. low carb.

Everyone’s different, but that works for me.

[I do still have cake occasionally, don’t worry! 😉 >>This<< is my fave.😋🍓]

I have been off and on with this the last few years, but gradually managing more on than off. 🙌🏼

I’ve lost a little bit of weight but the biggest difference is in my energy levels. They are more consistent and I’m sleeping better.

I'm at that stage of life when hormones go haywire 🙄, and this definitely keeps me on a more even keel. 🙏🏻

So this year I will continue being more cow, by eating foods that my body appreciates

.... my additional challenge for 2023 is to add in a bit of chill/rumination to EACH day

(Well, probably excepting calving because that defies all planning! 😆)

So …

What might "be more cow" look like in YOUR life?


PS I love that there was a session on ‘Be More Cow’ at the Oxford Real Farming Conference (ORFC) this year. Not recorded sadly, but great to know that I’m not alone in my cow appreciation!